Saturday, July 4, 2009

Only in America...

Today was a fabulous day... After sleeping in, finishing up some homework assignments, and spending time with my husband's family, we headed out to the family farm for the annual fourth of july celebration. The smell of the propane grill, smoldering smoke bombs, and aerosol mosquito spray filled the air while we enjoyed our delicious feast of home-grown corn, grilled hamburgers, and crisp veggies. After dinner, the makeshift firework show the kids put on kept us entertained while we dished up hot gooey brownies and vanilla ice cream for the whole family.

After we had cleaned up the elaborate mess of firework debris, Justin and I headed home for the night. But as we drove over the flood control road, the most amazing view of the fireworks over Great Bend became visible and we decided to stop. Together, we sat on my car and watched the whole of Great Bend as one big firework show. I don't know if it was his arm around my shoulder or the dim glow that the sparkly fireworks made on his profile, but something about that moment was incredibly romantic. When we finally decided to head home, I continued to look over the city and realized how similar the sporatic bursts of light must be to a wartime bombing. Being independence day, this probably meant a lot more to me than it would any other time of the year. It made me really appreciate the fact that we live in a country free of bombings or violence like that. I consider myself to be an extremely lucky person, and today solidified that feeling for me.

Just like that country song, Only in America, there are so many things like this that make our country the greatest country in the entire world. I am so grateful for my family, my home, my husband, and the life that I have undeservedly been blessed with.