Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The best of friends...

Have you ever realized that sometimes your best friends aren't the people you spend the most time with? I've been realizing lately that the people who I can depend on the most heavily aren't my "best friends" or my co-workers. Instead, they're the people who have never been rude to me, the ones who always go out of their way to be there when I need them. It's so cliche, but I used to despise people who said "true friends are there when you need them," because I really had never encountered an experience where I was depending on friends... that is, until recently.

It has come to my attention that I am long overdue for a friend check-up. Unless you have called or text me in the last three months, you are no longer one of my close friends. If you don't know what month my birthday is in, you are no longer one of my close friends. If you didn't know that I got married over year ago, you are no longer one of my close friends. And the end-all determining factor is that if you're not my friend on facebook, well then that's just pathetic because I have friends on facebook that are literally strangers to me! I think you get the point: I'm sick of having a phone full of fake friends. From now on, I'm going to conserve my friendly energy for those of my friends who mean the most to me, who are there for me when I need them, and who value my efforts...

Wish me luck...

Rachel M.

1 comment:

  1. ...and who I'm willing to be there for when they need me!
